In 1933 the Passionist Community came to Canada founded a parish, and sent missionaries to parishes throughout Canada and the United States giving “home” missions. They conducted retreats in their own and other Retreat Houses. Missionaries were sent to other countries,notably Jamaica and the Philippines.

Today the community especially supports these
Passionist Missions:

Jamaica: The Passionist Community opened its mission in Mandeville,
West Indies in 1995. Last year Fr Neil Tiedemann, C.P. was ordained as
Bishop of the Mandeville Diocese. In the Diocese, along with caring for the
Cathedral Parish and many other programs, there is a Retreat house and the
Catholic College of Mandeville, founded particularly for the education of teachers.
Fr Richard Award, C.P. is currently Pastor of St Elizabeth’s Parish in Kingston.
In one of the poorest and most difficult areas of the city, he is most concerned
with caring for the poor, providing food and education programs, and programs for the youth.

Honduras: In Honduras the major institutions supported by the Passionist Missions are
the “Casa Passionisti” an AIDS Hospice and St Benedict’s Clinic in the high mountains.
The clinic serves over 45,000 a year with modern medical care. “Passionist Volunteer International”,
a group of young adult Lay Missionaries serves the impoverished in the area of Talanga.

Haiti: Fr Rick Frechette, C.P. heads the missions to Haiti . Fr Rick, a Passionist Priest and Medical Doctor,
is Director of a children’s Hospital and several medical clinics in he area of Puerto Princessa , Haiti.
He also founded and is in charge of a large orphanage and a number of small schools, bringing basic
education to the children in their own areas.

The extensive mission brings hope to an extremely poor and neglected region in the poorest
country of the Western Hemisphere .